Installing JavaMon


Before you can use JavaMon, you will need at least version 1.8 of Java (available here).

My preferred IDE for JavaMon development is Eclipse. If you want to deploy your app to Android, you have two options (in either case, you will need the Android SDK):

  1. Install ADT in Eclipse. These tools are no longer officially supported but should still work fine. You can still download the ADT by following the instructions at this StackOverflow post.
  2. Use Android Studio or IntelliJ instead of Eclipse. This post offers an idea of how to set things up.

Because I don’t use Android Studio or IntelliJ, all IDE-specific documentation will be given for Eclipse. Note that once you get both Desktop and Android deployment working, it won’t matter which IDE you use (or even if you use an IDE at all).


profiling options

Downloading JavaMon

You can download JavaMon from:


download link

There are four very important folders:

  • android—contains the Android launcher and any Android-specific code bindings.
  • core—the center for almost all JavaMon source code. Developers will spend most of their time working in this directory.
  • desktop—the launcher for desktops.
  • ios—contains files for deploying to iOS.

These are the projects you will want to import into your IDE.

Installing and Running the Project

You can import JavaMon directly into most IDEs that support Gradle. In Eclipse this is as simple as File -> Import... -> Gradle (STS) Project. You might need to install Gradle in your IDE first.

Another easy way to install the project is to follow the LibGDX setup guide. Simply name your project “JavaMon”, make sure the Freetype extension is checked, and generate/import your project. You can then copy the JavaMon source files directly into the generated project. Eclipse users MUST select the Advanced -> Eclipse option if using this method.

You will need to use the version of LibGDX provided in the Github repository. JavaMon makes several edits to LibGDX source code; you MUST add the JAR to the correct location…


github link, …

Once you’ve imported the project, it’s time to run it! Make sure you can run in the desktop project.

You should also try a test export for Android. In Eclipse, all you have to do is right-click the Android project in your Package Explorer, then select Android Tools -> Export Signed Application Package. Follow the prompts to generate a APK file. If you can run this file on an Android phone (or the Android emulator), you’re good to go!


Android emulator check (slow performance)

To run on iOS, you will need RoboVM.


test and document how to use RoboVM

Development Cycle

Whether you’re just creating a game or making more extensive edits to JavaMon, most testing can be done on your desktop. Don’t forget to test your game occasionally on mobile to make sure everything works.

Game designers should look at the Make Your Game! for guides on common game elements including dialogue, mapping, and quest design. Source developers should look instead at the Developer’s Manual for information on best practices and the general API structure.